Thread subject: :: Peleteria sp.

Posted by Jaakko on 02-07-2009 19:31


I need help on this one. Keys as ferina with Tschorsnig & Herting as well as with Bei-Bienko, but shouldn't ferina be more orange-yellow? This one has only the tip of the abdomen yellow.

Caught today (July 2nd) on my own yard. First Peleteria from Finland for me!

Thanks in advance,


Posted by Jaakko on 02-07-2009 19:32

Second image, sorry for bad quality!

Forgot to mention an important feature: the palps are minute, only about 2x as long as wide, fitting better to the description of P. varia. However, hairs dark and I have couple of specimens of varia from Provence, France and they look completely different. A really curious specimen...


Edited by Jaakko on 02-07-2009 20:32

Posted by Zeegers on 02-07-2009 21:43

Congratulations !!

It is P. ruficornis without any doubt.

the reason it doesn't key out with T&H is ... because it isn't in there !!

But there is one old record from 1901 from the Netherlands.

nevertheless, an amazing and stunning find in FInland, or anywhere else in Central Europe for that matter.


Posted by Jaakko on 03-07-2009 09:29


It's nice to know that it's not only Jari F who gets nice species up here. ;)

[edited] I noticed that there is a mention on a Finnish dipterist forum that the species has been collected in 1997 in South-Western Coast of Finland.

Is the host known? The habitat is fairly boring: old gardens in a suburb. Close by there is a moist spruce dominated forest by the lakeshore, bigger road with some regular ruderate landscape.

The specimen is in too good shape to be a long distance migrant, moreover I'm living inlands.

I'll try to take better pictures at some time point for the gallery.

Thanks again,


Edited by Jaakko on 03-07-2009 10:00

Posted by Jaakko on 03-07-2009 10:46

Now I know why I didn't find this one in the Bei-Bienko: it's under genus Cuphocera, not Peletieria [sic].


Posted by JariF on 03-07-2009 12:53

Wow, great fly :) I have so far 137 Tachinidae waiting for ID from this summer but nothing like that. Shall we make a deal ? I will put my trap to Your garden next summer and You can put Yours to mine :D


Posted by ChrisR on 04-07-2009 23:30

Theo: is it possible to modify T&H for this species? If you email me your suggested change then I can update the key here :) Would be nice to improve T&H if we can.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-07-2009 23:33

great find!

Posted by Zeegers on 06-07-2009 22:11

Hi Jaakko,

You gave the critical features yourself

* palpi very small, about 3 times as long as wide
* abdomen greyish with red tip
* second antennal segment reddish
* whitish hairs on sternite 1 missing

The last point is the difference with varia, as is the colouration of the abdomen, as you had rightly observed.


Posted by Jaakko on 07-07-2009 21:55

Hello Theo,

It was actually Chris who was asking after the features, but thanks for the confirmation!

Actually the Central European key is also missing recently described species such as Chetogena tschorsnigi and Loewia erecta. The latter is quite common here in the North. Also Billaea kolomyetzi counts as Central European, right?

Hopefully Christer Bergström and Stig Andersen will get the Tachinid part of the Nationalnyckeln finished soon...


Posted by Zeegers on 08-07-2009 21:13


I saw part 1 of Syrphidae only 3 weeks ago.
The pictures are extremely excellent !
If this is the standard in Sweden, and so it seems, I'm really looking forward to it.

B. kolomyetzi is rare in Central Europa, more eastern like east Poland (which might be considered still as Central Europe). I got it in Estonia and one of you in Finland.


Posted by Zeegers on 08-07-2009 21:15

By the way, also lacking, i think, are
* Weberia digramma
* Cylindromyia rufifrons
* Neophryxe vallina

all from NL (first 2 vagrants)