Thread subject: :: Some doubts about Tachinidae
Posted by Andrius on 15-03-2005 16:12
While surfing the net, I found "Tachinid" picture in page of Cape Town museum:
The picture on the right looks more like some kind of Conopid or other family. Of course, the picture itself is too small to tell definitely, and I'm not an expert on Tachinidae, so I wanted to hear other opinions :)
Thanks everyone in advance.
Edited by Andrius on 15-03-2005 16:18
Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-03-2005 20:30
I can image that you think it has a conopid-like appearance, especially with the spread wings and the darkened anterior part. However, near the base of the wings you can see tha calyptrae that make it clear that is is indeed one of the calyptrate flies. As far as I can tell it is truely a tachind fly. It reminds me of the genus
Cylindromya but if it is African, it may be something completely different. Possible Theo or Chris can enlighten you there. For comparison with
Cylindromya, see e.g.
Posted by Andrius on 16-03-2005 15:14
Thank you, Paul, for the link - now it's clear for me that my doubts were baseless :) It is good to have experienced advisers.
Posted by ChrisR on 16-03-2005 17:05
Well, I have no idea which kind of tachinid it is - but it does look like a tachinid of sorts. Though probably not a phasiine like
Cylindromyia. My guess would be a dexiine
Edited by ChrisR on 16-03-2005 17:06
Posted by Zeegers on 16-03-2005 21:32
It is a Tachinid alright and it could very well be in Dexiinae.
It reminds me (and no doubt Chris too) of Eriothrix.
However, it might be in Tachininae.
Difficult to tell with a small picture and little experience in afrotropical Tachinidae.
Theo Zeegers