Thread subject: :: Parhelophilus

Posted by Rupert Huber on 27-06-2009 22:36

Hello to all!
Is there any chance to complete the name of this Parhelophilus?

Germany, Bavaria, Eging am See near Passau, 27 June 2009


Posted by Rupert Huber on 27-06-2009 22:37


Posted by Rupert Huber on 30-06-2009 09:13

No comments?
At the side-view I think to see something like hairy hump at the lower side of the hind leg. According to Kormann's book "Schwebfliegen und Blasenkopffliegen" (syrphids and conopids) this should mean that it's a P. frutetorum. Is my interpretation correct?
Best greetings

Posted by Paul Beuk on 30-06-2009 11:31

As far as I can recall that character applies to males and I think this is a female...

Posted by Rupert Huber on 30-06-2009 20:14

Thanks, Paul, for this somehow frustrating information. Not so much frustrating, that I probably won't get the exact species of this fly, but more that again I was trapped by this book (Kormann), giving characteristics without a hint on their dependence on the fly's sex.

How do you know it's a female? (or do you really only think so?) Looking at the pictures of the male P. versicolor in the gallery, the eyes of this genus don't seem to give the information that they do about most of the syrphids' sexes.


Posted by Andre on 30-06-2009 20:53

still frutetorum seems the right ID ;)

Posted by Rupert Huber on 30-06-2009 21:15

Thanks a lot, Andre:D!
Could you please tell me by what characteristic you know that? When I find the next one, I'd like to determine it by myself. B)
