Thread subject: :: Syntormon?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-06-2006 23:24

Moscow region, 29 june, 3-4mm.
It seems to me that on photo male, but I collected female.
Trying to ID female (if it is realy Syntormon) I came to S. rufipes, or less probably S. pallipes.
cx - black, cx1 - half yelloy, up of head - metallic-blue.

Posted by Kahis on 30-06-2006 11:05

Rhaphium fascipes (Dolichopodidae). This is one of the few females that can be identified with reasonable reliability by the hind tibia being whitish in the basal half and black in the apical half.

It is rather rare in Finland. I'd like to know in what kind of habitat did you find this fly?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-06-2006 13:28

Thank you Kahis.
1. Beach of small pond, on the leaf of Alisma plantago-aquatica.
2. Could you glance a look at antennae of collected fly (not the same that on photo). It is or it isn't the case that antennae 2-nd "take" antennae 3-d segment?