Thread subject: :: Muscid, Norway

Posted by cyprinoid on 23-06-2009 14:21

I think it looks like Thricops diaphanus, am I correct?

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 23-06-2009 18:35

Difficult angle of view to choose between T. diaphanus and Phaonia pallida. Any other view is welcome. It seems that the frons bear a proclinate, that the arista is not plumose, that there are no strong presutural acrostichals, thus it might be T. diaphanus, but it seems only. It seems also that the head is too pale for a T. diaphanus...

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 23-06-2009 19:41

After have lightened the picture, fore tibia bear a posterior seta, so let's go with Thricops diaphanus.

Posted by cyprinoid on 23-06-2009 19:55

Thank You!