Thread subject: :: Which Platycheirus

Posted by Roger Thomason on 12-06-2009 18:20

Found in the garden this morning...which one has yellow front tarsi?

Posted by Roger Thomason on 12-06-2009 18:21


Posted by Roger Thomason on 12-06-2009 18:22

Poor photo as it was rather windy, but abdominal pattern can just about be made out.

Posted by Andre on 05-07-2009 23:07

This is a male P. scutatus-group. The flash makes it appear strange in color. That's why also the frons shows a golden shine. If it is really golden, it would not be scutatus itself, but one of the two known sibbling species. But since I don't trust it, let's stay neutral on this one... (also I wouldn't immediately expect the other two species to occor on your island, make it 90 % scutatus.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 05-07-2009 23:18

Nice one Andre.