Thread subject: :: Sciaridae with bunch of fotos, Hungary, May > Schwenckfeldina carbonaria
Posted by pwalter on 04-06-2009 23:56
Hi, this Sciarid may be ID-able at least to genus level. Looks a bt like Lycoriell (as far as I can judge) but genitalia are different. They were many in numbers on a plain quite high in the mountains. Light attracted them. About 4 mm long.
Edited by pwalter on 05-06-2009 12:47
Posted by pwalter on 04-06-2009 23:57
Edited by pwalter on 04-06-2009 23:58
Posted by pwalter on 04-06-2009 23:59
First tarsi. Palpal segments (with lots of hairs). Habitus (male). Wing macrotrichia. Mid lg's equal spines. Antennal segments. Thanks in advance!
Posted by phil withers on 05-06-2009 09:46
The genitalia are somewhat bent and therefore do not present a typical aspect. I think, if the long veins are all with macrotrichia, that this is a
Schwenckfeldina carbonaria.
Posted by pwalter on 05-06-2009 12:47
Thank You!!! Yes, R1 and R5 are fully haired with macrotrichia.I'l submit it to gallery.
Posted by xylo on 09-06-2009 10:03
Hi all,
yes, I agree with
Schwenckfeldina carbonaria. Phil: What do you mean with long veins? In
Schwenckfeldina veins m and Cu are lacking of macrotricha.
so long,
Posted by phil withers on 09-06-2009 14:13
I meant to put "some of the long veins"...good recovery, what ?