Thread subject: :: Pinned Chamaepsila nigricornis / rosae, Psilidae

Posted by JariF on 02-06-2009 16:53

Hi, is Chamaepsila correct ? June 2.2009 Loviisa, Finland.


Edited by JariF on 11-06-2009 07:12

Posted by JariF on 09-06-2009 13:05

Once more


Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-06-2009 14:34

Chamaepsila is correct

Posted by JariF on 09-06-2009 18:27

Thank You Paul. Must find the species name tomorrow ;)


Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-06-2009 19:06

Most likely one of the rosae / nigricornis couple. C. pectoralis might be possible (don't expect this one to be it) but the the part of the thiorax above the fore legs (here hidden) should be yellow rather than black.

Posted by JariF on 11-06-2009 07:11

Yes, that's what it is. As far as I know the females are not possible to separate from each other so I will add this picture as nigricornis/rosae.
