Thread subject: :: Some more images form Japan nr 16
Posted by Xespok on 05-03-2005 00:54
Some more images form Japan nr 16
Posted by Gerard Pennards on 05-03-2005 10:54
Wow, nice specimen!
I don't think this is Sciomyzidae, to me it looks more like a Pyrgotidae!
But I am not sure!
Gerard pennards
Posted by Zeegers on 05-03-2005 14:44
It reminds me of the Psilid genus Loxocera.
Very long third antennal segment and triangular headshape (in profile)
So possibly a Psilidae ?
Theo Zeegers
Posted by Xespok on 14-03-2005 09:19
Some Japanese friends identified this as a Platystomatidae species Lamprophthalma japonica Frey.
This was my first time to encounter a species belonging to this family.
Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-03-2005 09:40
I think they may be right with the family. If they even know a species name, then who am I to start doubting them. ;)