Thread subject: :: Syrphidae #1

Posted by lagura on 22-04-2009 20:43

My first Syrphidae (photographed) this year. I only managed to get this one photo.

Size: ~6mm
Date: 12 April 2009
Location: Wooden railing around a pond (Helsingborg, Sweden)

Thank you!

Posted by Juergen Peters on 22-04-2009 21:44


Both of your flies (#1 and #2) should be Eupeodes corollae females.

Edit: Or #2 possibly a male (can't see the distance between the eyes very well).

Edited by Juergen Peters on 22-04-2009 21:46

Posted by lagura on 25-04-2009 23:45

Hi Juergen. I really shouldn't argue with you as you know more about this than I do, but... I'm sure you're right in both #1 and # being Eupeodes, but I don't think it's corollae. Judging from the photos in the gallery these looks mor like E. lapponicus.

Btw #2 really is a male. I got a glimpse of him from the front before he took off.

Posted by dipdip on 26-04-2009 20:27

it is not E. lapponicus - look at the wing: venation.
Could it be Melangyna lasiophthalma female and male?

Edited by dipdip on 26-04-2009 23:05

Posted by Bastiaan Wakkie on 28-04-2009 22:45

Actually I believe this is an Melangyna specie. The spots are too narrow and to linear to be an Eupeodes.

What do you think?


Posted by Gerard Pennards on 28-04-2009 22:53

Melangyna lasiopthalma female!

Posted by lagura on 30-04-2009 22:07

Thank you all very much! :)