Thread subject: :: Bibionidae

Posted by Josef Buecker on 22-04-2009 09:56

Hello Forum,
is it a Bibio pomonae? What else? Hagen, NRW, Germany, alder marshland, 175msm, April 2st 2009
Best regards, Josef

Posted by Zeegers on 22-04-2009 19:10

Looks like it, but pic is insufficient.

If it was > 14 mm. it is pomonae


Posted by pierred on 18-04-2011 12:56

Is it possible to find B. pomonae in April? I thought this was a summer species.

Edited by pierred on 18-04-2011 12:56

Posted by Zeegers on 18-04-2011 17:47

you are right.
One can find pomonae in may, but april 2th is very unlikely.

So probably female of johannis or similar species.
We really can't discern the wing venation
