Thread subject: :: Huge Australian Asilid (Neoaratus hercules?)

Posted by Susan R Walter on 16-04-2009 19:04

I think this is the biggest fly I have ever seen – about 60mm, ovipositing under the bark of a Eucalyptus sp. From March, Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve near Canberra.

Edited by Susan R Walter on 02-02-2010 19:53

Posted by Dysmachus on 16-12-2009 13:53

Unfortunately, the animale is out of focus. One of the biggest robber flies in Australia is Neoaratus hercules, which looks very similar.

Posted by Susan R Walter on 02-02-2010 11:10

Best I could do unfortunately. It didn't hang around to let me get a better shot. Thanks for the suggested name.