Thread subject: :: Hybomitra bimaculata?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 15-06-2006 21:17

Moscow region, 15mm, 15 june.

Posted by Zeegers on 16-06-2006 09:19

I have my doubts.
Is it not Hybomitra lundbecki ?
(Lower callus large and shiny black ?)

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 16-06-2006 17:33

Well Theo, yesterday during 10 minutes I was attacked by two horsefly in same plase.
Both, instead of dinking my warm blood were collected, one of them also photografed.
By quick glanse I decided that both horsefly looks same and than checked one of them by key and got H. bimaculata.
After your reply I recheck both, one with greish general colour and t3 brown with black top is realy bimaculata, I think. Another one, more brownish, eyes more greenish, with t3 yellow with brown top (on image), so has to be H. lundbecki.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 16-06-2006 17:40

Well Theo, yesterday during 10 minutes I was attacked by two horsefly in same plase.
Both, instead of dinking my warm blood were collected, one of them also photografed.
By quick glanse I decided that both horsefly looks same and than checked one of them by key and got H. bimaculata.
After your reply I recheck both, one with greish general colour and t3 brown with black top is realy bimaculata, I think. Another one, more brownish, eyes more greenish, with t3 yellow with brown top (on image), so has to be H. lundbecki.

Posted by Zeegers on 17-06-2006 09:04

Hi Nikita

I think you are right.

Very green eyes is typical for the montana-group: montana, tropica and lundbecki.
Beware, however, that the colouration of the eye might depend on the angle you are looking at ! With a real lundbecki, the difference in colouration should be obvious.

Males of lundbecki are one of the few species that hover frequently and consistently (others: arpadi and muehlfeldi)


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 17-06-2006 10:16

Thank you Theo.
Interesting group this Tabanidae:o