Thread subject: :: Which Heleomyzid<Heteromyza atricornis ID'd by Katerina Dvorakova

Posted by Roger Thomason on 21-03-2009 19:58

Photographed sitting on my greenhouse this morning.
Am I right thinking this is P.bicolor?

Edit; Xespok says its a Heleomyzid not Anthomyid
Changed heading

Edited by Roger Thomason on 21-03-2009 23:25

Posted by Xespok on 21-03-2009 20:00

No, this is a Heleomyzid. Change the title of the thread to attract Andrzej or Katka.

Posted by Roger Thomason on 21-03-2009 20:09

Thanks Gabor...
That was a bit rapid....Heading changed

Posted by katerina dvorakova on 21-03-2009 20:26

Probably Heteromyza atricornis

Posted by Roger Thomason on 21-03-2009 20:42

Thank you Katka
I don't have that on my checklist for the Shetland Isles.
The ones on my list are; Tephrochlamys rufiventris, Scoliocentra caesia ,Heleomyza brachypterna and Heleomyza modesta.
Regards Roger

Edited by Roger Thomason on 21-03-2009 20:43