Thread subject: :: Sciapus?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 08-06-2006 17:52

Moscow region, 08 june, near pond, 5-6mm.
Forked M isn't visible, but as Paul once reply me " such a build could be only Sciapus". Sciapus.
Malechance! I forgot in Moscow all my equipment, pins ect.
Antenae black, it leads to S. laetus. But this species 3,5mm only and anyhow name seems not valid anymore.
Help please.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 08-06-2006 19:18

Not Sciapus. These are more slender. I think Rhaphium or maybe Argyra.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 08-06-2006 20:31

A lot of times I told myself: Nikita, if you can't find right siutable species, try to look for right genus!
Thank you Paul. New genus for me!
I think Argyra (Rhaphium - 6dc and darkened wings).
One more image add.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 08-06-2006 21:20

This lateral view is Argyra (? diaphana).

Posted by Kahis on 09-06-2006 06:57

The 2nd photo is definitely an Argyra, but not diaphana

Edited by Kahis on 09-06-2006 07:06

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 09-06-2006 08:19

Fly is collected and tomorrow I'll have more information.
Thank you Paul and Kahis.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-06-2006 20:07

Well, with microscop and Argyra diaphana ( to compare with I tried to ID.
1. Scutellum obviosly not hairy.
2. Thorax white-dusted (not obviosly, but well enought).
3. Face is black.
4. Antenae 3-d more than 1,5 longer than its base.
5. All f - black
6. Yellow spots on 2 and 3 tergits of dusty abdomen.
7. In addition 1,5mm less than A.diaphana, as it has to be.
Argyra argyra.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-06-2006 20:21

Correct name - Argyra argyria.
Correct ID waited for Paul:D

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-06-2006 20:24

In this case correct ID waited for Kahis:D:D