Thread subject: :: Toxorhynchites towadensis, Culicidae, Japan
Posted by Xespok on 02-03-2005 03:04
This is very very pretty for a mosquito. It looks like a Culicidae, but probably it belongs to some closely related different family.

Edited by Xespok on 03-11-2007 09:05
Posted by Paul Beuk on 02-03-2005 08:30
Indeed a mosquito. Probably one of the Anophelinae.
Posted by Xespok on 02-03-2005 08:35
I did not realize that Culicidae has so large members.
The strange thing about this fly is that it appears to have only four legs, and this seems not to be the result of some accident.
Thx for your help.
Posted by Xespok on 07-03-2005 01:50
A friend of mine says that he thinks this mosquito is:
Toxorhynchites towadensis MATSUMURA
I try to do some research on this genus.