Thread subject: :: Anthomyiidae from Caucasus

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-01-2009 00:03

I have never seen Anthomyiidae with such a Mucsidae t3 chaetotaxy!
Fine and long hairs on ventral sides of t3 which can arise jealousy in many Thricops!
t3 with ad seria longer than half lenght of tibia - a real subject of envy of male Helina tetrastigma!
Micheal, do you know such a creature?!

Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-01-2009 00:10

Posted by Michael Ackland on 25-01-2009 13:14

Delia megatricha Kert. or a related species. This is a member of the D. coarctata group, and could occur in the Caucasus, but I don't think it has been recorded from there. The bit stuck on the pin below also looks like the hypopygium of megatgricha with long slender surstyli bowed outwards; the central narrow bit must be the aedeagal apodeme which is actually part of the aedeagus and is further back than the surstyli.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-01-2009 13:52

1. Thank you Michael
2. Place (Lagonaki plateau - 1700-2000m) is wanderfull with fantastic material collected by Oleg Kosterin during short (2 days) visit 11-12 Jul 2008
Next summer I'll do my best to visit it for 2-5 days!

Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-01-2009 14:22

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-01-2009 13:55

3. it is close up of genitalia (material was in alcohol, mounted by Konstantin Tomkovich = Komarik in
It seems to me that carcal plate is bifurcated apically, doesn't it?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 31-01-2009 09:00

I've got description from Michael.
Delia megatricha confirmed