Thread subject: :: To be determined, if possible !!!

Posted by clido on 16-01-2009 15:47

I have tried to determine but I have not found anything, it is probably a female.
You can have some more information from these photos?

Pictures taken in a fallow field of Boscotrecase (Naples) - Vesuvio - Italy

Edited by clido on 16-01-2009 15:49

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 16-01-2009 16:06

Yes, female of Helina reversio (Harris)

Posted by clido on 16-01-2009 16:20

Hello Nikita,
Thank you very much!

What are the characters to be taken into account for the identification of the species?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 16-01-2009 18:13

Phaoninae, because ...Phaoninae.
t3 without pd in apical 1/3, abdomen with spots - Helina,
t3 with pd near base, yellow tibiae - H. reversio - also, because it is very common species.

Posted by clido on 16-01-2009 18:46

Nikita Vikhrev wrote:
Phaoninae, because ...Phaoninae.
t3 without pd in apical 1/3, abdomen with spots - Helina,
t3 with pd near base, yellow tibiae - H. reversio - also, because it is very common species.

thanks again!!!