Thread subject: :: Annoying small flies

Posted by Juergen Peters on 03-06-2006 20:09


I find these small (5-7 mm) black flies every year in late spring here in Ostwestfalen at the forests edge. There are zillions of them sitting on every leaf - and on every available part of my skin, especially when I try to concentrate on a photo ;-). They are harmless, but sometimes quite annoying. I would like to know what they are: Muscids or some other family? Thanks in advance!

Edited by Juergen Peters on 03-06-2006 20:10

Posted by Kahis on 04-06-2006 13:29

Definitely muscids. Could be Thricops or Hydrotaea. I share your pain, the flight period of these 'sweatflies' has just started where I live.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 04-06-2006 15:44

Hello, Kahis!

Kahis wrote:
Definitely muscids. Could be Thricops or Hydrotaea. I share your pain, the flight period of these 'sweatflies' has just started where I live.

Thanks a lot! Hydrotaea I also had in my mind, but I thought most of them were considerably bigger und found only in more shadowy places in the forest (and more in midsummer).