Thread subject: :: High altitiude Dolichopodidae.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 02-06-2006 17:40

Turkey, 29 may, near Akseki, 1750m alt., 6mm, near goat's water source.
Tachytrechus I think.
In my key there isn't siutable species, but wing pattern looks very characteristic. I hope it helps.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 05-06-2006 21:19

Inverstigating collected fly I find that Tachytrechus and Dolichopus distinguish by teza - 1-st segment of hindtarsus with/without d seta.
Here 1-st segment of hindtarsus with d seta. So Dolichopus?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 05-06-2006 22:04

It seems to me that I understood the reason of Experts (Kahis, for example) silence. First and second two different fly.
First - Dolichopus (D. picipes?),
second - Tachytrechus of unknown species.