Thread subject: :: Chironomidae? => Ablabesmyia sp.

Posted by Klaas on 28-12-2008 11:46

13 may 2008, The Netherlands, Havelte
On oak tree near water.

First impression was Ceratopogonidae, but the veinpattern seems to be more Chironomidae, i.e the place were the m-vein springs of. Still i am not sure about the family.

Any idaes about the genus?


Edited by Klaas on 24-07-2010 12:29

Posted by Klaas on 28-12-2008 11:47

a closer look

Posted by pwalter on 28-12-2008 14:27

I think female Chironomidae, I've seen a lot of with this kind of wing-and-leg pattern. For example Guttipelopia guttipennis has a little similar wing-pattern but surely other Tanypodinae and others of the family also :)
Wait for Xespok's opinion!

Edited by pwalter on 28-12-2008 14:28

Posted by Paul Beuk on 07-07-2010 09:46

Based on this identification it should be Ablabesmyia sp. hanks to Tony Irwin. ;)

Edited by Paul Beuk on 07-07-2010 09:46

Posted by Tony Irwin on 08-07-2010 22:09

It is.:)

Posted by Klaas on 24-07-2010 12:34

thank you all,
