Thread subject: :: Our town park: Empididae (2)

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 31-05-2006 21:01

May 30, 2006.
Size 4mm.

Posted by paqui on 31-05-2006 21:49

maybe i?m worng, but i think empididae has forked R4+5 and this one doensn?t seem so; and it?s humped? i mean that curved thorax, it seems Hybotidae to me (microphoridae 1-3mm)
waiting for somebody...:|

Posted by Paul Beuk on 01-06-2006 07:26

Indeed, Hybotidae, but the absence of a fork in R4+5 is not enough (though many Empididae have the fork, it is missing, e.g., in the large genus Rhamphomyia). This resembles the species in this thread somewhat, but the antennae are different. There are differences in wing venation, too, but as that is rather indistinct from this view I will not elaborate. This specimen belongs to Leptopeza flavipes and it is a male.

Posted by paqui on 01-06-2006 20:34

yes, but i saw that late at night, i beg you pardon for this and the other empis threads where i said that; seems the more i walk the less i know
sorry for the inconvenience