Thread subject: :: Pipunculus sp (Pipunculidae)

Posted by Susan R Walter on 06-12-2008 19:20

Any chance of a full name for this nice Pipunculus sp pair?

5mm, from 21 May 2008, lowland (<100masl) central France, la Brenne, old oak wooded heathland.

Female lateral.

Edited by ChrisR on 08-12-2008 15:43

Posted by Susan R Walter on 06-12-2008 19:23

Female dorsal.

Posted by Susan R Walter on 06-12-2008 19:23

Male lateral.

Posted by David Gibbs on 08-12-2008 11:48

a good lateral view of the ovipositor would help. from what i can see i suspect this is Pipunculus elegans Egger, 1860

Posted by Susan R Walter on 08-12-2008 16:05

Thanks David. I will soften her up and see if I can improve the view for you at some stage.:)

Posted by Susan R Walter on 21-12-2008 13:37

Does this help?

Posted by Christian Kehlmaier on 28-01-2009 13:33

Hi there,

Dave's right. It is a female Pipunculus elegans Egger, 1860

Posted by Susan R Walter on 28-01-2009 22:43

Thank you very much :) I am very pleased to have a definite ID for this pair.