Thread subject: :: Tachydromia/Chelipoda/neither of the two?

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 29-05-2006 21:16

May 28, 2006.
Size 3-4mm. This specimen collected on Picea trunk (damaged, with resin). Other flies were seen running to and fro on a lying big Populus tremula trunk (with hatching bark beetles).

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 29-05-2006 21:16

A lateral view.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 29-05-2006 22:33

Tachypeza sp. I may be able to tell more tomorrow.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 29-05-2006 22:56

And thanks a lot once again Paul,
So this time sticking to Empididae wasn't futile.
OK maybe one day (soon) I'll dive into the (family level) keys... It's much better than pure guesswork :)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-06-2006 14:08

Using Chv?la's 1975 key to Fennoscandian Empidoidea I get to T. heeri. Leg markings are quite characteristic. 'Rather uncommon in northern Fennoscandia'. Further 'Scotland, NW of European USSR, mountains of central Europe, Siberia and Japan'.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-06-2006 14:09

Can I add them to the gallery?

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 06-06-2006 15:59

Thanks a lot Paul,
Sure you can add them to the gallery.

Edited by Dmitry Gavryushin on 06-06-2006 16:00

Posted by Paul Beuk on 06-06-2006 16:28

Thanks! Done. :)