Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 24-05-2006 20:59
Turkey, Antalia, 23 may, 10mm. Oviposing female.
Posted by Zeegers on 25-05-2006 10:15
Hi Nikita
well spoken!
A Chrysops indeed, ie. Ch. flavipes.
Belonging to the italicus/flavipes-group, easily recognized by the clear window in the discal cell.
Flavipes is the most common Chrysops species in Turkey, and it is a spring species.
Theo Zeegers
Posted by Robert Nash on 26-05-2006 09:07
Nice photos Nikita. But they always are. A specimen too.Photographer and biologist My !! Robert:p:p
Edited by Robert Nash on 26-05-2006 09:59