Thread subject: :: Scathophagidae => Conisternum decipiens

Posted by Klaas on 16-11-2008 21:22

Netherlands, 25-10-2008, on sheepdung.

It has one sternopleural bristle, only the first of the three upper frontal bristles is pointed forward and it has a bold arista. This keys out in a small group with Conisternum spec. and also Scathophaga furcata.

General apearance of Trichopalpus fraternus is also very close. This species seems to have longer tarsi - as in my picture -, particularly in first and third leg.

Is an id possible here?

Lateral view

Edited by Klaas on 03-01-2010 12:56

Posted by Klaas on 16-11-2008 21:24


Posted by Klaas on 17-11-2008 20:39

Could this be Trichopalpus fraternus?

I used:
Key to the British
by Dr Stuart G. Ball,

but it difficult from pictures.

Perhaps somebody knows this species, and even when it is a very common Scatophaga i am interested in id,


Posted by Klaas on 04-12-2008 11:50

B)I thought this one would be easy!?.


Posted by Klaas on 06-12-2008 12:25

Now i start to believe this is 'just' a grey form of Scathophaga stercoraria!


Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 02-01-2010 23:33

I am pretty sure it is Conisternum decipiens.

Posted by Klaas on 03-01-2010 12:46

Stephane Lebrun wrote:
I am pretty sure it is Conisternum decipiens.

Thank you Stephane.
I could add this one to the gallery - what do you think


Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 03-01-2010 22:48

I would have liked a confirmation (I know Dr Ozerov is an expert of this family, but he's not often on the forum).