Thread subject: :: Dolichpodidae ?

Posted by Amir on 14-11-2008 23:03

Location: Israel
Habitat: Eucalyptus tree bark
Size: 3-4 mm

This tiny fly not make it easy for the photographer
he is very sensitive to the pre flash light and take off before the main flash
So the only way to photo this fly is on manual flash

I saw these flies only on Eucalyptus tree bark in shady place (in different location)

Posted by Amir on 14-11-2008 23:05

although I found them on the bark at different highs
the best place to locate them is on the base of the trunk

Posted by pwalter on 14-11-2008 23:19

Hi, I know very few from this family but it's surely a Medeterinae, maybe Medetera sp. Wait for others to answer also :)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 15-11-2008 01:16

I think Medetera flavipes