Thread subject: :: mosquito or fly?

Posted by shar on 21-05-2006 14:22

Dear members,

Could someone tell me if this is a fly or a mosquito? It appeared in my garden and looked beautifully silverish. Unfortunately my friend had the camera with the macrolens so the picture is not that well, but maybe someone still can tell.



Posted by Jan Willem on 21-05-2006 14:25

Hi Sharon,

It is neither a fly nor a mosquito. It is a hymenopteran, more specifically, a sawfly (Symphyta).

Jan Willem

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 21-05-2006 14:27

And Jan Willem beat me to it!:D:D

Posted by shar on 21-05-2006 16:32

Hi Jan Willem and Gerard,

thank you both for ID:) I hope I will see this sawfly again.


Posted by Juergen Peters on 21-05-2006 18:17

Hello, shar!

shar wrote:
Could someone tell me if this is a fly or a mosquito?

It's a sawfly, Pachyprotasis cf. rapae. The larvae are feeding on many Brassicaceae.

Posted by shar on 22-05-2006 20:46

Dear Jurgen,

Thank you for ID.

You have spotted a lot of insects ;)
