Thread subject: :: Hybos femoratus? -> H. cf. grossipes

Posted by Michael Becker on 11-11-2008 07:36


this fly is from a forest in western germany in august. As estimated size I wrote down 7mm (with wings). Is this Hybos femoratus?


Edited by Michael Becker on 11-11-2008 21:22

Posted by Paul Beuk on 11-11-2008 09:30

Hybos femoratus has partly yellow fore and mid legs. Might be H. grossipes but impossible to say for certain from this picture.

Posted by Michael Becker on 11-11-2008 21:21

Thank you Paul.

I am glad, that at least I was right with the genus. I will save the picture as Hybos cf. grossipes.


P.S. I just saw, that the gallery lacks a picture of Hybos grossipes. Should I upload it, or is it too uncertain?

Edited by Michael Becker on 11-11-2008 21:23