Thread subject: :: Dolichopus acuticornis = longicornis

Posted by JariF on 07-11-2008 16:36


as I follow the key and

1) femora yellow
2) lower postocular cilia pale
3) all tarsi simple
4) hind femur without long ventral hairs
5) fore tibia without apicoventral seta
6) lower calypter with pale yellow cilia
7) postpedicel at least twice longer than high at base

I end to Dolichopus acuticornis. In our database it seems to be northern species, so can this be something else ?

August 1. 2008 Loviisa, Finland


Edited by JariF on 07-11-2008 17:06

Posted by JariF on 07-11-2008 17:05

And fast correction. Fore tibia in fact has the long apicoventral seta, (they are just a little damaged) so this is simply Dolichopus longicornis.


Posted by Igor Grichanov on 09-11-2008 12:03

64. Antenna black, only scape yellow beneath; postpedicel almost 1.5 times longer than high; mid basitarsus largely darkened ....acuticornis Wiedemann
– Antenna mainly yellow, black dorsally on all segments and towards tip of postpedicel; latter distinctly more than 1.5 times longer than high; mid basitarsus
entirely yellow ..............longicornis Stannius