Thread subject: :: Scoliaphleps ustulata?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 19-05-2006 22:18

Moscow region, 19 may, 6-6,5mm, on the wall.
After an hour of unsuccesful attempts to find some siutable species for this fly in genus Cordulia, I have to come back to genuses key. Well, R4+5 and M curved before rm crossvein, arista bare.

Posted by Kahis on 20-05-2006 07:25

Scoliaphleps is now seen as synonymous with Cordilura. The darkened wing tip is typical for C. ustulata.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 20-05-2006 09:05

One more hell on systematics! I found new genus and it is not genus anymore!
Thank you Kahis. I checked in Czech and Slovak checklist (1997), there it was still Scoliaphleps.
So, Cordilura ustulata.