Thread subject: :: Ephydridae, Notiphila caudata?

Posted by Klaas on 26-10-2008 18:07

Siculo, 25-9-2008
Near water in excavation of sand

I found 3 names:
Haloscatella dichaeta (Loew, 1860)
Dichaeta caudata
Notiphila caudata

But is it this species?


Posted by Klaas on 26-10-2008 18:09

Lateral view

Posted by Tony Irwin on 27-10-2008 01:39

It is Notiphila (Dichaeta) caudata - female.
Some workers regard Dichaeta as a good genus. Others feel it is just a subgenus of Notiphila. Haloscatella dichaeta is in a completely different subfamily.