Thread subject: :: < Helophilus trivittatus > ID by Jonas

Posted by valter on 25-10-2008 14:51

Location: Algarve, Portugal

Date Photo Taken: October 25, 2008

Edited by valter on 25-10-2008 15:18

Posted by jonas on 25-10-2008 15:16

Helophilus trivittatus; except if there are species of Helophilus in Portugal I don't know about :)

bye, Jonas

Posted by valter on 25-10-2008 15:43

Jonas M wrote:
Helophilus trivittatus; except if there are species of Helophilus in Portugal I don't know about :)

bye, Jonas

in Fauna Europaea:

Absence in Portugal of all species of Helophilus...

Will be the first to found this Species in Portugal ???

Edited by valter on 25-10-2008 15:44

Posted by jonas on 26-10-2008 12:02


I really seems a H. trivittatus to me..
Hope someone else will comment on this fly.

Bye, Jonas

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 26-10-2008 12:07

Definitely Helophilus trivitattus, a male.

Posted by Andre on 29-10-2008 16:53

Publication of this and other new species to Portugal is in preparation ;)
Hopefully next year!

Posted by Andre on 29-10-2008 16:55

PS: Valter, do you have exact data of this capture and if possible, other pictures as well. I would appreciate it if you send them to me by email. Thanks!