Thread subject: :: Phaonia sp. with strange thing on thorax

Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 24-10-2008 23:48

hi flyforum,

A week ago, I found flies attrackting to some wet bark near the ground.
Probably these flies come to drink here..
One fly got a obvious scutum.
It's a phaonia sp. with 'something' sticked into the hairs on it's scutum?
Just mud?, or is it a kind of parasite?
Looking better at these spot, it looks like fly-eggs?

What is this?


Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 24-10-2008 23:49

picture detail

Edited by Robert Heemskerk on 24-10-2008 23:49

Posted by Xespok on 25-10-2008 12:58

The strange thing is just dirt that stuck to the flies thoracical bristles. (Could also be the remnant of the pupal case, if it did not teat as expected.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 25-10-2008 18:04

I think it's bird poo - and the fly has managed to clean most of it off, except for that little bit in the middle of its back where it just .. can't ... quite .... r e a c h !

Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 25-10-2008 23:07

Wha ha ha!, yes that can also happen.. 'good birddrop'
and you're cleaningstory is very likely.
It has just to wait for the rainseason..

thank you both for your reaction.. :D

Edited by Robert Heemskerk on 25-10-2008 23:07