Thread subject: :: Lispe sp (Muscidae) part 2

Posted by Amir on 24-10-2008 10:39

Following my last post regarding the Lisp spec from Israel

I visit a now location with plenty of Lispe spec. and get better photos of the unidentified Lispe
from the last post. I hop the follows photos will help to verify his ID

The first photo is old one from 2006 but its show clearly the unknown Lispe (the top specimen) with the Lispe cf cilitarsis. This sp. is much smaller
BTW the photo show that Lispe feed also on other organic matter or just collect mineral from the bird dropping.

Posted by Amir on 24-10-2008 10:40

lateral view I

Posted by Amir on 24-10-2008 10:41

lateral view II

Posted by Amir on 24-10-2008 10:42

front top view

Posted by Amir on 24-10-2008 10:42

front view

Posted by Amir on 24-10-2008 11:03

More information about behaviors

This spec do not limit himself to the water edge of the pond. He active also more out of the pond margin and in the vegetation belt around the pond (up to 5-7 from water line)
the Lispe cf cilitarsis is almost limit to the water line and on the water (~1m)

Also is look less aggressive and less tending to dense crowding compering to the Lispe cf cilitarsis.

The current location is fishs pool (pisciculture). the bank is steeper and cleaner compering to others locations where I view the 2 specs before.
Its appear that Lispe cf cilitarsis. preferring more shallow muddy water with plants on the water line while the unknown Lispe preferring more open areas. this is may explain why I seen this time less Lispe cf cilitarsis compering to the unknown Lispe.

Restrictions ! its only first impression from short visit. but its explain my impression from other locations.