Thread subject: :: Bibionidae

Posted by Gordon on 19-10-2008 17:56

Hi Everyone. The lower fly is Bibio sp., is the upper one Penthetria funebris ????????? It looks too robust and aggressive to me for Dilophus. Wetland Kerkini: Kerkinis Mts, 1480 m 13 to 19 October 2008

Posted by Zeegers on 19-10-2008 18:02

In Central Europe, this would be Bibio lepdius (both).

Not sure about Greece


Posted by Gordon on 19-10-2008 20:00

Thanks Theo. Does that mean the black one is the male and the brown one is the female or the other way around. Or does it mean something else.

Posted by Zeegers on 19-10-2008 21:32

The larger reddish one is the female.

By the way, females lepidus from central Europe are much redder. So it might be an associated species.


Posted by Gordon on 20-10-2008 07:25

Thanks Theo, it is always nice to reduce one's ignorance. don't worry about the ID I am sending all my Bibionids to Jean-Paul Haenni.

Posted by Zeegers on 20-10-2008 15:28

Then you'll get the real expert's opinion.
