Thread subject: :: Xylophagidae ?

Posted by Eric Steckx on 14-05-2006 10:30


What do you think about this fly, seen last week in Belgium ?
I thought first Xylophagidae but I don't see any black pterostigma.
Thanks for your help

?ric Steckx

Posted by Jan Willem on 14-05-2006 10:41

Hi Eric,

Not Xylophagidae but Asilidae.

Jan Willem

Posted by Eric Steckx on 14-05-2006 10:56

Ok ! Thank Jan
Dioctria ?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-05-2006 19:45

I think I saw something similar in another forum and from what I could see on that picture I thought D. rufipes but I am certain I will be corrected if need be. I have not checked these images with a key.