Thread subject: :: Limoniidae (Scleroprocta?)? --> Rhypholophus/Ormosia

Posted by Juergen Peters on 08-10-2008 19:35


I found this 8-10 mm midge on Sept-26 on a leaf in our garden (northwest Germany). At first I thought of a Trichoceridae, but then I found a picture of Scleroprocta sororcula ((Limoniidae) in one of my books, which looks very similar (also hairy wings) except of the dark, lenghty spots on the wings. So what is it??

1600x1200 picture, 240 KB:

Edited by Juergen Peters on 31-05-2019 20:54

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 27-05-2019 15:18

Cell dm open, anal vein (or 2nd anal vein, more traditionally) too long and sinuous for Scleroprocta, so rather a Rhypholophus/Ormosia.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 31-05-2019 20:54

Hello Dmitry,

wow... Thanks a lot for your reply on my 11 years old thread. :D