Thread subject: :: Calliphora [Calliphora vicina]

Posted by ekhohe on 08-10-2008 19:52

This looks C.vicina to me, but is it normal that this one has 3 setae in katepisternum. All of my other ones have seems to have only two. Lappeenranta, Finland, September, not collected, front and dorsal views available if needed.

Edited by ekhohe on 11-10-2008 21:41

Posted by Susan R Walter on 09-10-2008 14:35

Henry – I would be very surprised if this turned out to be anything other than vicina given the clear yellow of the anterior spiracle in particular. The extent of redness on the face, the yellowy brown basicosta/tegula and the broad white border on the darkened lower calypter also speak strongly for vicina. Have you checked Rognes' description? (I would, but don't have access at this moment.)

Edited by Susan R Walter on 09-10-2008 14:37

Posted by ekhohe on 09-10-2008 16:36

Hi Susan, I don't have Rognes, only comparing to my own photo's:).

Posted by Zeegers on 11-10-2008 11:40

Possibly an aberrant seta. this occurs (not uncommon, I'd say 1 : 1000).

It is vicina, as Susan explained.


Posted by ekhohe on 11-10-2008 12:06

Thanks Theo for this information.