Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae, Gymnomus ? from Romania

Posted by cosmln on 03-10-2008 00:13


today (2.october.2008) i have been again up in the mountains (in Retezat).
this one was very frequent sitting on proeminent rock from he road (specially where a small stream go on the road).

from what i have learned until now this is Gymnomus but don't know to go furher.
maybe the same species like the one from here: http://www.dipter...d_id=10847

one exemplar collected.

thanks for the help,

Posted by Andrzej on 03-10-2008 03:14

If collected so could be identified :) also to the species level !

Posted by Andrzej on 03-10-2008 19:47

So. I'm not sure but if the abdomen is greyish dusted should be G. caesius (Mg.). Long cerci are visible so maybe it is this one. If not so maybe. G. spectabilis (Lw.) (with reddish abdomen) but first flagellomere and the number of dorsolatersl bristles (4-6?) on hind femur look like the first species B)

Posted by cosmln on 03-10-2008 19:59

Andrzej wrote:
So. I'm not sure but if the abdomen is greyish dusted should be G. caesius (Mg.). Long cerci are visible so maybe it is this one. If not so maybe. G. spectabilis (Lw.) (with reddish abdomen) but first flagellomere and the number of dorsolatersl bristles (4-6?) on hind femur look like the first species B)

hi Andrzej,

you will see very soon that specimens.
hope i find also the one from that old thread, so will have both name... hoping.
