Thread subject: :: Tipulidae

Posted by Josef Buecker on 01-10-2008 17:41

Hello forum,
what about this cranefly? Is a closer ID possible? Hagen, NRW, Germany, September 28th 2008, alder marshland, 175 msm
Best wishes, Josef

Posted by Tony Irwin on 01-10-2008 19:50

Eloeophila submarmorata? (Needs confirmation!)

Posted by Josef Buecker on 02-10-2008 08:38

Hello Tony,
thank you for your help. When looking around in the internet I found a Tipula (Pterelachisus) submarmorata SCHUMMEL, 1833. Is this the same species or different from your suggestion?
Best regards, Josef

Posted by Tony Irwin on 02-10-2008 19:41

Hi Josef - I'm changing my suggestion - a more careful look at the wing venation indicates that this is a tipuline - I was "distracted" by the way that the wings were held flat over the abdomen - Tipula often (though not always) hold them out at an angle. So yes, I think Tipula submarmorata or one of its relatives more likely. (But it would be good to wait for one of the tipulid experts to have a look. ;))

Posted by AndreVrijens on 03-10-2008 11:43

I am not the Tipulid expert you are hoping for but Tipula confusa is also a possibility in my opinion. A better view of the wingveinetion should bring more certainty.
(Let's wait for one of the Tipulid experts to have a look. ;))