Thread subject: :: Helina or Phaonia, common on ivy?

Posted by Sean on 01-10-2008 11:11

This is a common and distinctive fly that I have seen a lot round here (SE England, Surrey). It is 9.5 mm long, here on south-facing ivy, 29 September. The antennal hairs (inset photo top left) are conspicuous against a black background, and reach 0.12 mm (from the axis). There is a photo of what seems to be a male of the same from the Netherlands, named as Phaonia angelicae, on:
but I am not at all sure that this is right?

I can probably provide enlargements from other photos taken at the time, if this would help to show anything diagnostic.

Posted by Sean on 01-10-2008 11:17

The image seems to have failed to load. It's only a 183 KB jpeg, so forgive me for trying again.