Thread subject: :: black unknown · Bibio

Posted by picotverd on 30-09-2008 16:04

Any idea?
1400 mts pyrenees north spain not big

Edited by picotverd on 01-10-2008 17:13

Posted by picotverd on 30-09-2008 16:06


Posted by Roger Thomason on 30-09-2008 17:21

Bibionidae ?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 30-09-2008 20:05

Female Bibio.

Posted by Zeegers on 03-10-2008 18:07

Given the date and locality, should be female clavipes.


Posted by picotverd on 05-10-2008 12:58

Thank you, Theo, this photo was taken two or three days before beeing post it, at the outdoor garage of a mountain village at catalonian pyrenees...