Thread subject: :: Any ideas for a family for this one?

Posted by Susan R Walter on 12-05-2006 22:01

Taken on Manbulloo Station, near Katherine in the Northern Territory, Australia (ie tropical) in April. About 5mm.

Posted by Xespok on 13-05-2006 07:34

Looks structurally somewhat similar to
Rhiniinae of Calliphoridae, but this is just a guess.

Posted by Susan R Walter on 13-05-2006 17:06

Thanks - the way it is holding its proboscis is like your Rhiniiae, certainly. It is interesting that this one has this rather odd completely dusted look, whilst your pics all show metallic flies, more what you would expect from Calliphoridae. The family makes sense though, when you consider that Manbulloo is a cattle station, and there is obviously a population of feral horses, all producing the raw material that Calliphorids favour.