Thread subject: :: Tabanidae, August 2008, Hungary

Posted by Xespok on 28-09-2008 21:07

A very late Haematopota male coming to light. Can the species be determined? I could not collect this one.

Posted by Xespok on 28-09-2008 21:08

Another view.

Posted by Zeegers on 30-09-2008 19:02

What a pity !

It is clearly very dark, antennae seem all black.
So it must be either crassicornis, which is a spring species, or the male of ocelligera.


Posted by Xespok on 01-10-2008 06:36

I checked on my original image, and the antenna is not entirely black. The third segment is brownish, especially on basal half. The scutellum does not seem to have a distinct marking, so it is unlikely to be scutellata. Femora are clearly dark greyish (so it can not be bigoti), so I am afraid, this will be just H. pluvialis. Does it make sense?

Posted by Zeegers on 03-10-2008 18:03


If this colouration is any good,it can't be pluvialis.
Most ocelligera actually have clearly a brownish base to the third antennal segment (at least in female sex), contra all existing keys.

Is it possible to get a blowup of the antenna from the second pic ? Or is the pic not good enough ?


Posted by Xespok on 03-10-2008 18:12

This is the original size of the image.

Actually my oldish literature on Tabanidae states that male ocelligera is undescribed.

Edited by Xespok on 03-10-2008 18:15

Posted by Zeegers on 04-10-2008 08:57

The first antennal segment is surprisingly elongated, so it is not crassicornis or bigoti. I don't think it is pluvialis. It is not scutellata. Seems too dark for subcylindrica.

Since it was not collected, I think it ends here.
