Thread subject: :: Culicidae, Ochlerotatus ? from Romania

Posted by cosmln on 19-09-2008 19:29


today even if windy and almost raining (at he end with rain) i was out.
can't stand to stay inside for so long.

because of the weather also not to many subject, this was one. maybe is possible to put a name?

thanks in advance,

[EDIT]: title updated, thanks to Tony

Edited by cosmln on 28-09-2008 14:04

Posted by Tony Irwin on 19-09-2008 19:49

Male Ochlerotatus , probably cantans or annulipes

Posted by cosmln on 19-09-2008 20:12

another photo, some problem earlier


Posted by cosmln on 28-09-2008 14:05

Tony Irwin wrote:
Male Ochlerotatus , probably cantans or annulipes

Hi Tony,

ecology or something without specimens can help to ID this?
add this to gallery or not? (here is already one photo from this genus there)


Posted by pierred on 28-09-2008 21:00


The second picture is a wonderful one.
Thanks for this one.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 28-09-2008 21:33

Hi Cosmin - it's not possible (for me) to say which species it is - either by habitat, locality or date. I think the best we can do is to put it in the gallery as a male Ochlerotatus , probably cantans or annulipes. Unless you have the specimen, and we can look at it a bit closer (genitalia would be good) we can't go much further.