Thread subject: :: Cecidomyiidae on Tanacetum

Posted by Juergen Peters on 06-09-2008 19:58


Helga Becker asked me to post this photo here. It's from a video camera, no bigger one possible. Is it nevertheless possible to decide, which of the Tanacetum breeding (they were laying eggs there) Cecidomyiidae is pictured? As the picture tells, from central Germany in early July. Thanks in advance!

Edited by Juergen Peters on 06-09-2008 20:26

Posted by cosmln on 06-09-2008 21:16

i don't know if this helps but...
after British Plant Galls on Tanacetum vulgare in achens Ozirhincus tanaceti (Kieffer)


Posted by Juergen Peters on 06-09-2008 23:10

Hello, cosmln!

cosmln wrote:
after British Plant Galls on Tanacetum vulgare in achens Ozirhincus tanaceti (Kieffer)

Thanks a lot!

Posted by John Carr on 17-11-2012 20:24

Two species are listed on Tanacetum vulgare in Gagne's catalog. I suggest the other, Rhopalomyia tanaceticola (Karsch).