Thread subject: :: an extra haltere like structure in an anthomyid like fly

Posted by mwkozlowski on 02-09-2008 11:44

do not disturb him, because it is a copulating male of a fly from a Baltic beach (a Beach Boy!) But what is an arrowed structure looking somewhat like an additional haltere? And is it Anthomyiidae at all?

Posted by ChrisR on 02-09-2008 12:16

Looks like a calypter to me - just a very hairy one :)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 02-09-2008 17:13

Yes, Marek, calypter is somewhat rumple, but as regarding the serios process your flies are currently involved, well, it comes sometimes during this process :D
Anthomyiidae is correct, genus Fucellia

Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 02-09-2008 17:15

Posted by mwkozlowski on 02-09-2008 21:50

shure, Nikita..I have found a paper describing 3 spp.of Fucellia on the Polish seaside: F. tergina (Zetterstedt), F. griseola (Fall?n) and F. fucorum (Fall?n)