Thread subject: :: 3 Opomyzidae

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 17-08-2008 16:16

These are (I think) 3 different Opomyzidae from Leiden, the Netherlands. All were caught in May.
Are they 3 different species?

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 17-08-2008 16:16

Number 2

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 17-08-2008 16:17

Number 3

Posted by Jan Willem on 18-08-2008 08:28

Hi Gerard,
Yes three different species!

Number one: female of Geomyza balachowskyi.
Number two: female of Opomyza petrei.
Number three: female of Geomyza apicalis.

Do you have more details on collecting date and location?