Thread subject: :: Another Gonia.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-04-2006 15:39

Moscow, park, near jusing birch, 10-11mm, 29 apr.
There is some orange on the head, but generaly head is much more yellow. So, it isn't one more melanist of G. divisa. Abdomen black with one small red spot and well developed white lines.
Gonia ornata?

Posted by Zeegers on 29-04-2006 16:19

Hi Nikita

Gonia are very difficult and then again, I may be fooled by the reflexion of the light and/or the flash.
So, I really need to see the specimen itself to be sure.
First impression is G. picea, but the tail is out of focus, which makes it even harder to come to a definite conclusion.



Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-04-2006 16:32

Thank you Theo.
Could I try to show you two more vue of this fly?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-04-2006 20:09

Same fly. Lateral vue with red spot and cheek.
Please, Theo, help!

Posted by ChrisR on 30-04-2006 10:38

Hmm ... possibly Gonia picea, as Theo suggested - the red marks are very reduced. But that's just how I would identify it here in England - I am not sure what other strange and wonderful species you have in Moscow ;)

I went out yesterday to look for interesting tachinids but all I saw were Gymnocheata viridis - 100s of them all sitting on tree trunks and fence posts. They're a nice easy species to identify but it would have been good to see something a bit more exciting, like a Gonia or T.ursina. :(

Chris R.

Edited by ChrisR on 30-04-2006 10:41

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-04-2006 15:07

1. Thank you Chris.
2. Never seen G. viridis alife.
3. Today I collected several small brown-black Tachinidas from the wall of my countryhouse. And two more Gonia divisa. Same place as 5 days before, all same melanist;)

Posted by Zeegers on 30-04-2006 17:28

Hi Nikita,

this helps. You can see
* white pruinescense on the parafacialia in some pictures
* small white band on last tergite
* bristles on parafacialia are less dense than in divisa

So this equals G. picea, as guessed earlier.


Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-04-2006 18:59

Theo, thank you very very much!
P.S. Do you need G. divisa black morpha for your collection?